Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Passer Baroe

Pasar Baru, Jakarta
Photo by Sammy Palit
This is the first time to me visit to Pasar Baru, to hunting my accessories of camera. But I can't find anything I need, and back to Mangga Dua, even there I have to struggling with the seller which making the price high.

This is the history of Pasar Baru

Shopping center was built in 1820 as Passer Baroe when Jakarta was Batavia. People who shop at Passer Baroewere the Dutch who lived in Rijswijk (now Jalan Veteran). 

The shops in Passer Baroe built with Chinese and European architectural styles.
Among the old shops that still exist today is Kimia Farma Apotek, Ie Seng Lee stores, furniture stores, Motel, storehours Tjung-Tjung, and optician Seis (Tjun Lie). Tailor suit that has been used since the Isardas, Hariom, andGehimal, and the woman shopping at a fabric store and Lilaram Bombay. 

Large stores that formerly existedamong Shops and Stores Europa de Zon. Matahari Putra Prima retailers set up business in New Market in 1958.

At the northern end of Jalan Pasar Baru was once the center of the comic merchants. Cinema that ever existed inthe New Market area is the Globe Theatre, Capitol Theatre, and the Astoria Cinema (Cinema Satria) at Pintu Air.New Market is the birthplace of the diner Noodle Gang Rabbit. Restaurant business was started in 1957 as a tradernoodle cart on the Road Iron Door, front Theaters Globe.


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