Friday, August 26, 2011

90th Anniversary of GPdI

SAC Choir
Photo by Sammy Palit
In humility, we held the 90th anniversary GPdI - Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia, Pentacostal Church in Indonesia. GPdI or Indonesian foursqure, currently has 13 thousand congregations throughout Indonesia and will continues to growing up in times to come.

While in West Java, GPdI now 88 years old. And only by God's grace we can celebrate now.

Nice Saxophone

The Leaders


  1. yg foto siapa yah? karena yg foto atau kameranya yg bikin bagus?
    selamat ulang tahun ke-88 GPdI Jawa Barat

  2. Baru liat disini nih istilah GPdI sama dengan Indonesian foursquare, hehe iya jg yah. maju terus Ji Pi Di Ai !
