Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday Sermon

Pdt. J. Tando - Jakarta

1st Worship, 06.30 AM

The promises of God are amen.
1. He never promise that we are never met by the closed way but He promise making a way for solution.
I Kor. 10:13. Mat. 11:28
2. He never promise that we can't met by sickness but He promise giving us the healing. I Pet. 2:24. Yes. 53:4

3. He never promise that we are never met by to lose but He promise provide the great blessings. Yes. 59:1,2.

2nd Worship, 10:00 AM
The Obstacles of Prayer

1. Do not forgiving. Mat. 11:24,25.
2. Do not having faith. Yak.1:6-8
3. Praying by carnality. Yak. 4:3

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