January 14 07:30 PM
The power of the Holy spirit
1. Pet. 1:4
By Holy Spirit the words of God live.
Wit: an speaker stolen the bible from Htl and read it at home and be
nothing. But several mounts later his be a christian by Holy Spirit
trough the words of God.
Jesus don't like organization. His build His church by the power of
Holy Spirit. The organization was dead.
By holy spirit Peter which has no speak by sense make preach by
anointing. Event he is the speaker who call Jesus as The Lord Jesus
God give this Name to give us right to using it
Jesus blood not covering our sin but clean it up.
Altar call:
The preacher call by specific I'll to move to altar and accept the
1. Who have shoulder I'll
2. Who can't benq his leg
3. Who can see by clean
4. Who have sick on back of her bones.
I see Misses Brodland going to praying them.
I see Moses my treasurer touch the eyes of sickness and fill good.
Bila kupandang ini dunia
Bikin hatiku selalu gelisah
Tapi kuingat sabda Yesus
Bikin hatiku selalu bersuka
Pandang trus padaNya
Jangan menoleh Jalan trus
Jangan pandang salah orang lain
Pandang saja Yesus
Sent from my iPhone
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